COVID-19 Vaccine Registration

Selected Value: 50

In order to increase access of community members with limited English proficiency to Covid-19 vaccination clinics, we decided to provide registration services for community members with language barriers to find convenient Covid-19 vaccination sites and appointments.

يتوفر مواعيد لقاح كورونا

يجب ان: يكون عمرك 50 سنة فما فوق

وتعيش في منزل متعدد الأجيال

أن تكون  مدينتك ضمن مناطق جنوب سياتل

 لاتصل بنا لمساعدتك على الحجز



Feb 24th - 28th, 2021




Rainier Beach Neighborhood in King County, Washington


Harborview medical center, Main Hospital, 325 9th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104

Copyright © 2021 Iraqi Arab Health Board.
Iraqi Arab Health Board is a non-profit corporation advocating for Arabic speaking communities.

EIN: 85-3502807